Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Minn and Jake

Wong, Janet S. Minn and Jake. Illus. Genevieve Cote. New York, NY: Frances Foster Books, 2003.

After reading Minn and Jake it brought back many childhood memories. Minn and Jake developed a relationship that we all had at one time with someone in elementary. This would be a great read aloud book for the classroom. It reminds me of the friendship displayed in "Charlotte Web" between Charlotte and Wilbur these two characters were different but developed a great friendship. This book could be used in a 4th grade classroom it relates to being able to interpret messages and meanings based on TEKS 4.23


René Saldaña, Jr. said...

Tamara: this time reading through I began taking notes on the book and in the book, but one other thing I noticed is that the 3rd person omniscient narrator's voice does so very easily allow for the Read Aloud. The question is: would you read it like poetry, that is, with pauses at the ends of each line, or straight through as though it were written in prose?

Aspiring Teacher: said...

I liked your comparison to Charlotte's Web. Minn and Jake are indeed an unlikely pair, but so were the characters in Charlotte's Web. In fact, Jake saves Minn from possible harm. In Charlotte's Web, the spider saves the pig's life.