Thursday, January 31, 2008

Children's Literature Briefly Chapter 18

Tunnell, Michael O. and James S. Jacobs. Children's Literature, Briefly. 4e. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall, 2008.

After reading chapter 18 I understand that there are different reading materials to use besides the text book. Sometimes as an adult I have a had time understanding what a author is trying to enlighten a student on. The trade books are easy to understand and offer many different perspectives. I think that trade books are appealing to readers and they should be used more in the classroom and allow the teacher to expand on a child's learning experience.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Craft Lesson for Minn and Jake

Wong, Janet S. Minn and Jake. Illus. Genevieve Cote. New York, NY: Frances Foster Books, 2003.

After reading the book as a class with discussion along the way. Group the children in 4 groups of 5 and allow the children to pick a scene in the book and act it out in class. The children will have about 10 minutes to get their skit together and they will have 5 minutes or less to act out the scene to their fellow classmates. After each group has presented their skit the class will be asked: What did your classmates do that you thought was creative in acting out the scene. Did any groups do anything that you would have never thought of? Can you think of anything that could have been done differently if you were in different groups. This lesson is based off of Teks 117.10 for 4th graders

Minn and Jake

Wong, Janet S. Minn and Jake. Illus. Genevieve Cote. New York, NY: Frances Foster Books, 2003.

Reading the second part of the book showed the unique friendship that Minn and Jake developed. When Jake gave Minn the terrarium that she had broken. This showed the bond that they had developed. As I stated before this book captures the idea that we are not all the same and opposite attract. I will enjoy assigning this book with my future students. I originally stated that this would be a great read aloud book but after reading the entire book I think the student will get a better understanding on reading it alone and discussing it as a class

Craft Lesson Apple Pie 4th of July

Wong, Janet. "Apple Pie Fourth Of July." Harcourt, 2002

The learner will be able to understand he importance of beliefs and traditions of others. I think that this lesson would take place in a social studies class. The introduction disscussion would be for the class to get into groups of four and discuss special things that their family does on the 4th of July. Each group will be asked what everyone had in common and what was different. Apple Pie 4th of July will be read and there will be a open discussion on why her family celebrated the 4th of July differently. This lesson releates ro Teks objective 113.2 for a first grade.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Minn and Jake

Wong, Janet S. Minn and Jake. Illus. Genevieve Cote. New York, NY: Frances Foster Books, 2003.

After reading Minn and Jake it brought back many childhood memories. Minn and Jake developed a relationship that we all had at one time with someone in elementary. This would be a great read aloud book for the classroom. It reminds me of the friendship displayed in "Charlotte Web" between Charlotte and Wilbur these two characters were different but developed a great friendship. This book could be used in a 4th grade classroom it relates to being able to interpret messages and meanings based on TEKS 4.23

Chapters 6-8

Tunnel, Michael O. and James S. Jacobs. Children's Literature, Briefly. 4e. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2008.

The assigned reading enlightens one on great ideas and books that could be implement in the classroom. In chapter 7 I enjoyed that that pictures books fall into categories, I'm really interested in the counting books this section stood out to me how the author described that these books have become more detailed and depicts the numbers through the story on each page. I also enjoyed the section on participation book, I recall at a child that Where's Waldo? was one of my favorite books to know that there is a counting book that has the same concepts is great for elementary children.

Craft Lesson Buzz

Wong, Janet S. Buzz. Illus. Margaret Chodos-Irvine. Orlando FL: Voyager Books/Harcourt, Inc., 2000

The learner will be able to identify and understand and reflect how the pictures relate to the text. The word Buzz will be introduced to the class. Buzz will be discussed through pre-recorded sounds that Buzz. For example a lawn mower, A car buzzing (key in the ignition) a buzzing bee, a vibrating phone, alarm clock, a buzzer (For the wrong answer). As a class we will discuss things that buzz around our home and a chart will be made. The lesson will close with the story Buzz. This lesson is geared to a kindergarten class focusing on Teks objective 110.2

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Wong, Janet S. Buzz. Illus. Margaret Chodos-Irvine. Orlando FL: Voyager Books/Harcourt, Inc., 2000

After reading Buzz I fell in love with this book because one could see that this child has learned a new sound and word. The child in the book illustrated this child imagination on different things that his parents use in their everyday live that go "Buzz" I enjoyed this book because it could be used with children that are unable to read and they will be able to tell the story.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Look at Childrens Literature

Tunneland Jacobs. Children's Literature, Brielfy. 4th Edition. Prentice Hall. 2008

The text provides one with the ideas on how to select a good children's book. Each chapter focused on different elements on what Authors have changed to make children's literature better apply to young readers. As I sit back and think about the issues the authors pointed out on the types of books that I read when I was a young reader, I see why I was an unengaged reader. With authors and illustrators taking the advice of the creators in this articles they Will better be able to make children want to read more and become avid readers. I really believe that the new aspects of children's literature should be taken into the consideration.I know how important reading is and believe that if children began to read when they are younger they will continue to read when they get older.

Apple Pie Fourth of July

Wong, Janet. "Apple Pie Fourth Of July." Harcourt, 2002.

Apple Pie Fourth of July, depicts how children that represent different cultures have to adapt to the ways of American life. The child in this book did not understand why her family chose to open the store on the Fourth of July, because of the holiday. I felt that this is a book that will help children that may be from other places besides America understand how their own culture can relate to their new lives here in America. America is a melting pot of different people all trying to make a home differently while trying to fit into a cookie cutter model of what they think America is. This book shows that they dont have to do that. It tells those people that there is no model to form too. They should live their lives in the way they want to and the world will conform to them.